I saw a tasty video which had a brownie bottom but the top is cheesecake. I thought it was a really good idea and I instantly wanted to make something similar. So I cam up with this brownie cheesecake recipe. The brownie is super fudgy and decadent, and the cheesecake swirl adds a nice cream note and is tangy. These are the perfect flavors! Creamy, chocolately, fudgy, and tangy. But the down side is that this recipe is most certainly NOT diet food. You can say good bye to your diet but this recipe is totally worth it. Everyone loves this recipe! Perfect for ANY occasion!
For the brownie
1/4 cup of butter, melted*
1/8 cup (2tbsp) flavorless oil
1/2 cup and 1/8 cup of sugar
1 egg
110g (4 ounces) bittersweet chocolate
6 tbsp flour
1/8 cup (2 tbsp) cocoa powder
For the cheesecake
4 ounce (113g) cream cheese softened o room temperature
1/8 cup ( 2 tbsp) sugar
Make the brownie
1. Preheat the oven to 180'C (375'F) and grease and line a loaf pan with parchement paper.
2. Melt the butter, oil and chocolate together in the microwave 15 second intervals or over a bain marie.
3. Let the mixture cool for 10 minutes. (So the eggs don't scramble)
4. Add in the sugar and mix together. Add in the egg.
5. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder.
6. Fold it in carefully, trying not to overmix. Add half of the brownie batter to the prepared loaf tin.
Make the cheesecake
7. Beat the cream cheese until completley smooth and silky then add in the sugar and beat it until light and fluffy. Add all the filling on top of the brownie layer. Try your best to get an even layer. It's okay if it's not perfectly even.
8. Add in the rest of the brownie batter on top. Sprinkle with choclate chips if desired.
9. Bake for 35-45 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out almost clean. Let cool completely before serving. Enjoy!